Welcome to simicam.com
Posted on 2/8/2025 by Jim McGillis
Our new webcam streams live from the
"Bird Lanai" at Casa Carrie, located in the Texas Tract, Simi
Valley, California.
For years, a pair of Common House Wrens have nested beneath the shelter of
our patio overhang. The small opening and lack of any
perch has made life difficult for the nesting pair and
treacherous for the resulting baby birds. In the past, more than one baby has fallen from the nest.
Now, with the addition of a four-inch-wide perch and a tiny
picket fence, the parents should have easier access to the nest and the babies
will have a place to stretch their wings prior to their first flight.
Our camera view includes the the "Bird Lanai" and the opening to the nest,
hidden under the roof structure. With a webcam refresh rate of six-seconds, birds may appear at any time between March and August
of the year. Please join us
often for a unique and refreshing view of nature in Southern California at
its finest.